Are you an Animal Control Officer who feels as if your paws are tied; that
you are just doing a job? Would you like the effectiveness of your career-induced interactions to improve?


     Clearly, it’s a delicate, daily juggling act for Officers to keep peace between citizens, keep the streets safe, and keep the Administration happy while simultaneously enforcing logical restrictions, codes, and laws. Besides the added challenge of dealing with live, non-English-speaking Beings with pointy teeth and their People, Animal Control Officers have to perform their duties within a system that seems to provide them with imprecise, underdeveloped, uninformed policies to uphold. At least that’s howooo it would feel when, after a visit from Animal Control, I’d be left standing there, hackles raised, shooting off sparks of frustration as much from what wasn’t accomplished as by the disturbance itself. Grrrr. But AlphaMom, howooo could that be? Well…

Do you want to become more actively involved with and truly make a difference in the community you are paid to serve? Do you agree that a change in the scope of your job description is needed? If so, let’s talk! It costs nothing to contact me, and of course your anonymity is protected, so let’s brainstorm, let’s get a dialogue going about what we can do to help you make this World a better place for Dogs, People, and our Neighbors!

*Animal Control Officers! The Fierce Love Project is interested in supporting your pro-active efforts.* It’s been proven that People are more positive and responsive when met with compassion and genuine interest. Friendly, amenable attitudes encourage upbeat exchanges. Pro-active contact with local residents benefits both Two- and FourLeggeds! For instance: an Animal Control-sponsored Welcome Waggin’ could be a Fun way to introduce yourself while uniting and informing Neighbors; Education could promote more harmonious living through Dog People Classes (like Traffic School for repeat offenders); and having access to loanable recording equipment, or bark collars and the batteries to keep them going, could be just what’s needed to satisfy, mollify, and assist those with inconsiderate Neighbors. There is no limit to the ways The Fierce Love Project can help you instigate the change you want to see happen! Woofwoofwoof!


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