With lots of ideas that will benefit both People and Pups,
AlphaMom is ready to transform her worrrrds into action!
Now all that’s needed is your help.
Let’s Get the Blue Ball Bouncing!

FIERCE LOVE is the vehicle,
The Fierce Love Project is the destination, and money is the fuel needed to get there.
Fill ‘er up!
The smallest thing can make the biggest
difference… and Amazon has almost
everything! Help supply AlphaMom
with the means to send nifty items
(a book, brush, or bowl) where they’re
needed! Just copy this address:
then click the Amazon gift card link.

…here’s an easy one:
Help spread the word about
by printing up a flyer and then posting it somewhere visible
(work, school, hardware store board, grocery store board,
Shelter, pet shop, groomer).