You, AlphaMom, have come here to learn to teach others…
about LOVE and about themselves.

     We all have unique talents and Knowledge. Educational Workshops are a great way to efficiently pass along what we know. They provide all the benefits of Class Learning without the long-term time commitment; Workshops are brief, intense, and information-packed. Sometimes you take away all the Knowledge you need to proceed right then and there, and sometimes a Workshop lights up your brain in a new and exciting way that begs for further exploration and sends you on an unexpected, thrilling journey.

     Anything from Pup nail trimming to Jin Shin Jyutsu to certified Puppy-petting techniques can be taught in a Workshop setting…all that’s needed are People interested in expanding their abilities and others interested in expounding upon theirs! Here’s a blip from AlphaMom:

     Do you have a Dog-related aptitude or skill that, if presented with the opportunity, you’d like to share? Or is there something you’ve always wanted to delve into and investigate? Send me an email and tell me about it, please! Let’s see what we can do to make The World a better place for Pups and their People by sharing our smarts and gifts–our something special–with each other!

When I go someplace it is because people have invited me to come there. The Spirit tells me the first thing I have to do is be invited. Otherwise it’s as though I’m sticking my nose in other people’s business. But when I am invited, then being there becomes a responsibility. After I give what I can, the responsibility shifts to those who invited me. If they want to continue the dance, their job is to keep in touch and to keep searching. -Sun Bear, Black Dawn Bright Day

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