The highest form of love comes from transcending the self and focusing on the needs of others and the world we live in. –Leo Buscaglia
I believe the time is ripe to do what we can, collectively, to make this World a better place for Domesticated Dogs and their People. We all can do something, we all have something positive to contribute, we all can make a difference! When countless like-minded individuals come together to work toward a common goal the power is immense; the total effect of the outcome produced is far greater than what could have been achieved individually. In other words: amazing things can happen! So come on…let’s get the momentum of change started!
Nothing great comes without enthusiasm. –Ben Franklin
The Fierce Love Project’s purpose is to help People redefine the Relationships they have with their Canine Kids. AlphaMom is determined to get People thinking differently about the Beings with whom they share their Dens, to help People and Pups be the best they can be…together. No special tools or talents are needed to participate and there’s nothing to join–all that’s required to get involved is a mind that’s open to all that’s Good. The topics on The Fierce Love Project List (below) are just a few of the ways AlphaMom has thought of to connect with the Beings at both ends of the Leash. So go ahead and sniff around–most likely something will get your nose twitching or your tail wagging or your mind whirring with your own brilliant ideas! READ MORE ABOUT THE FIERCE LOVE PROJECT
The Fierce Love Project aims to initiate a World-wide change of pawspective by furthering People’s understanding of Animal Communication. Animal Communication deepened the Relationships I’ve had with my own Canine Kids and has proven invaluable in helping me get the needs of the Pups I come into contact with met. Again and… more |
Are you an Animal Control Officer who feels as if your paws are tied; that you are just doing a job? Would you like the effectiveness of your career-induced interactions to improve? Do you want to become more actively involved with and truly make a difference in the community you are paid to serve? The Fierce Love Project is interested in supporting your… more |
The Be a Good Neighbor Project is all about having consideration for those around you. The Reality of living in a residential area is that everyone is affected by what the Neighbors and the Neighbor’s Dogs do. Next door, across the street, or down the road, there’s no way to escape the annoyances caused by someone else’s incessantly barking, baying, yipping… more |
Have you had your Pup’s ancestry investigated? Are you interested in sharing the results so we can all have some Fun? If so, email a copy of the DNA report and a few .jpg photos of the Pup (full-body is helpful) at a variety of ages, showing any distinguishing features (ie: paws, tail, profile showing muzzle or head shape). Once received, AlphaMom will create a panel like this... more |
The Dynamic Doggy Duos Project aims to put Trust and Love back into the adoption process…because adopting Canine Kids should be a Fun, happy, Joy-filled experience! Woof woof woof! It is my whole-hearted belief that Domesticated Dogs need the companionship… more |
AlphaMom wrote it… |
By sharing what I have learned from The Pack–Lessons taught to me by hundreds of Domesticated Dogs over the course of many years–I seek to provide the support, information, and tools needed to substantially increase the number of competent TwoLegged Alphas capable of ministering to the needs of multiple Canine Kids simultaneously. The ultimate goal... more |
Conscientiously joining positive forces–People helping People, Neighbors helping Neighbors–that’s what The Neighborhood Packs Project is all about. These days it truly does seem to “take a Village” to accomplish everything we squeeze into each twenty-four hours. Consequently, we compassionate and cooperative TwoLeggeds... more |
Remember howooo valuable you are as a resource, AlphaMom! I need to believe that the majority of TwoLeggeds interested in adopting Dogs are offering up a chance at Life, which is certainly a more pleasant future than Death-by-gas-chamber or… more |
VETERINARIANS WANTED Back when I had only two Dogs, taking them to the Vet at the same time was no big deal. Then along came My SixPack! My overfull schedule did not allow the option of devoting multiple days to well-check visits so it was necessary to take them all in together. And when I did, just entering the... more |
You, AlphaMom, have come here to learn to teach others… We all have unique talents and Knowledge. Educational Workshops are a great way to… more |
So by now, having read all these grand ideas about howooo The World can become a better place via The Fierce Love Project, I’m hoping a flicker of interest has ignited within you…because I need your help! Yip yap yup, AlphaMom needs help too! Forward momentum along The Trail of Good Intentions depends on you! Without Pups and People interested in participating… more |